Monday, June 15, 2009

my journey to sarajevo

Well, there is nothing like getting off to a some-what rocky start!.. the cabbie ripped us off because we are American's & we got to experience a strike! Which to be honest was pretty interesting, however, worrisome at best (we found out later, that the Roma women were on strike because they haven't been paid nearly enough to survive through their craft, which is shoe/slipper making. But these things didn't stop us from getting on the spacious bus and traveling 3hrs to Sarajevo. Let me just tell you that the countryside was beautiful! It was a great trip to take, though I could have done without all of the windy & curvy roads!

Sarajevo is a beautiful city..very modernized and touristy...aka nothing like's totally different. We arrived safely and got to the other girls' apartment, hahahaha which compared to ours back in Tuzla sort of put us to shame. Yeah, none of them had to sleep in the kitchen.. they each had their own room -lame. Their apartment also is direct neighbors to a Mosque, that was interesting waking up to that at 4am-ish. hahaha but anyway, we ventured out on to the streets of Sarajevo and went 'down-town' saw amazing buildings and had dinner at this little restaurant called 'Capricorn.' After that, we needed to find an internet cafe, which we did! and let me just tell you this was not just a typical internet cafe, they served beer there too and had pool! It was pretty freakin sweet! Then from there we decided to explore the bar scene, but not before walking through most of what is considered 'old town,' which is again, beautiful. I mean seriously, it was huge cobble stone streets and little stores and shops surrounding you. We passed a beautiful mosque, and this famous fountain.. but we didn't get too close to it, I just know there is significant importance behind it. Then we got our dance on! I had sooo much fun hanging with all of the girls from the program! We went to this one bar, and (Dad, you would have enjoyed this!) the actual bar, was made out of a BOAT! How crazy is that?!?! The music was hoppin' and we were having a great time, but we decided to end the night, to leave for more stamina for our adventures in the morning...

The next day, you can imagine how bright-eyed and bushy tailed we all were! We ventured to the other side of town.. we walked through what is know as today 'Sniper Alley'... I wish I could post pictures, now... it was unbelievable.. just the terror that these people endured.. it's astonishing. Immediately coming out of sniper alley we saw the Holiday Inn and decided to eat there. Many of you may be saying, 'oh so what you ate at a hotel,' but this hotel was the only building that was left standing in that area from all of the bombing and shooting that had gone on. From there we took an expensive cab ride over to the town of Butmir, which houses the tunnel museum, also known as the tunnel of hope. This was such an excellent exhibit to see... but it was sad. We were dropped off at this little hole in the wall shack, and I had no idea where we were.. until we walked in... Basically, this tunnel was constructed (it was 800 meters long) to ensure the safety of the people as well as the safety of the army, and trying to get food and weapons without being killed. I cried while I was there.. and I got to walk through 20 meters of the tunnel (that's all there is to walk through now) and it was just heart wrenching.

After that, Bree, Christina, and I needed to get our butts back to Tuzla. Oh, if only any of you could have been there.... so we get to the bus station, get our tickets, and are expecting a joyous ride back to Tuzla... so not the case. It was a tiny, smelly, no air conditioning bus ride. And whats even more, some stinky sweaty old guy sat next to me and fell asleep on my shoulder. I thought it was sweet for like the first 10 minutes, than not so much.. hahahaha. Needless to say I whipped that in the butt asap! hahaha! Oh, and once more on work ethic... the bus driver stopped the bus to HAVE DINNER! CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! It was hilarious!

But we got back safe and sound! I will write more tomorrow and tell you of my experiences today at the mental hospital and the trip I am taking to one of the remote villages!

I love you All!!!


  1. Capricorn!!! cooool. see little bits of me are popping up to say helllooooo :) I can't wait to see pictures! You sound like are having an amazing time! That's some craziness about the holiday inn. It must've been pretty eerie standing there. So since you've been broken in to a little night life i have to's the beer? anything locally brewed worth noting? hehe. I love ya girlie! hope all is going well. xoxox -Aut

  2. hahaha- no, good question! In Sarajevo as well as Tuzla they do have their own beer. I have only tried the beer in Sarajevo and its ok. Actually, immediately after I had tasted it, I said aloud 'this sort of tastes like a watered-down coors light.' It wasn't bad, but I've most definitely had better. I still need to try the beer in Tuzla, so as soon as I do I will let you know. I miss you Aut! Muah!!
