Friday, June 12, 2009


Hello to all!

So Friday's are a very interesting day around here in Tuzla! We arrived to work as usual for our coffee social hehehe :), and of course, the staffies we work with were all speaking bosnian.. again. hahah leaving Bree, Christina, and I to just plan our weekend events!

So we decided that since Friday is "Market Day" that we wanted to go get some fresh produce. This is where all of the farmers from surrounding villages bring in their crops to sell, which I find it interesting that it's on Friday and not like on Sunday as it is in the US. But that's just another to add to the list of cultural differences. Any-who, we asked our boss if it would be ok to take a longer lunch to be able to check out the market and get what we need. Since our other boss never came in, his response: "well, you know I am a living for the day, how you say, 'personal business,' so you don't have to come back after a lunch.' .... My immediate internal reaction: "Umm, WHAT?" So, needless to say, the Bosnian work ethic is much more lax than it is in the US. Talk about a causual Friday, :).

So the girls and I ventured out into the town with our purses clutched in our hands, preparing for the pick-pockets (which we were so for warned that they will try to nab stuff at the markets from you). There are two big markets in Tuzla, one that is right in the center of town and one that is closer to our apartment. We went to both just to check 'em out. It was really interesting though, and I think that venturing to the market to buy my food has become my new favorite thing. My first items to buy were zuchini and tomatoes, and the lady was SOOO NICE! She actually gave me free apricots! And they are pretty good Dad! :D Then I bought some cabbage to use for lettuce... which they do totally have lettuce out here, but every little booth I went to I couldn't see a price, and I'm not quite capable of arguing prices yet, hehe, so I just stuck to the cabbage, which btw was only .50km.. meaning it was really really cheap!

Then we came back to the apartment, settled down, and took really long naps! hahahaa I guess we were tired! :) Now we are just hanging in the apartment. But, I did get to cook my first "real" meal... pasta! *(Frank :D) Aaaand it came out pretty darn well! I was impressed with myself. I cut up one of my tomatoes, I used so garlic, and some seasoning I found around this apartment... later to find out that the seasoning I added, may have very well been for tea...WHOOPS. But, believe you me, it tasted pretty good. hahahhaha

We are just hanging around as I said, waiting to go to Sarajevo tomorrow to visit with some of the other girls from school! I am soo pumped! I have been reading a bit on Sarajevo and there is sooo much to do there. But I will be careful, I promise ;) Well expect an update late Sunday or Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the update...Be careful on your travels. I Love u MAuh xxoo
